
Greatest Love of All...

Cue Whitney Houston (in her pre-crack, children-are-our-future days)

Only one meeting today (yay!), and then a jumpin' "Casino Night" this evening. Aside from the fact that there will be an open bar at tonight's event, the last week has been kind of like my first week at college. If it were a no-booze event tonight and we were forced to smuggle in our hooch in airplane bottles tucked in our bras, it would be exactly like my first week at college.

As the hubs and I are living in a residence hall, I will serve as a dorm staff/parent. So I have some advisees. I get to be pretty much a parent for 8 of these young ladies. I will be on speed dial for their parents at home, and I will be having lots of chats with their teachers, coaches etc. Last night I got my list of girls, along with a questionnaire (filled out by mom or dad) about each girl. It is a very interesting read and I was honestly kind of surprised how many different backgrounds are represented. I have the stereotypical over-privileged prep-school kid, the complete scholarship kid, the never left home, the has ADD, and the "brushes teeth every day" (yes, a parent actually listed that as one of her daughter's personal habits). I am actually really excited about this part of the job. It will be hard, but I think we can do some fun stuff as a group (dinner at my apartment next week - I hope they like my dog). Maybe it is the similarity to my time working at Girl Scout Camp (one of the top four "times" of my 29 years on the planet), although this will be much more intense.

I have a date in the cardio room tomorrow morning for the treadmill with my running buddy/neighbor. I will be shooting for around 35 minutes.

And if you are singing that Whitney Houston song for the rest of the day because of today's blog title, you're welcome.


RunToTheFinish said...

OH to be back in college, what fun.

Laurel said...

Wow, you have your own little "Facts of Life" thing going on! You are life a real-life (much younger) Mrs Garrett!!

Seriously though, sounds like a lot of fun. My husband and I thought of doing something similar (he is faculty at UM), but there is a HUGE waiting list.