
Back in session

I was really excited that some of the boarders were returning to campus yesterday. I saw a few of my favorites and enjoyed the "what I did on my summer vacation" conversations that we had. I was jolted back to the un-fun part of being a dorm mom when I had to take one of the girls to the Wal-Mart. We make many trips to the Wally World during the school year so this is nothing new. But I forgot that every college Freshman in the region (in addition to the 50 or so returning students we had) was moving into their dorm yesterday as well. So it was a nice two hour ordeal. Seriously, this should be one of the days the management thinks "Hey, maybe we should have more than two of our registers going. Fire up lanes 24-39." The student that I took there is only 17, has been traveling (sans any parents) since Tuesday to get here from Thailand, and had been using her shirts as towels since she couldn't pack any from home. That perspective makes it a bit easier to handle.

Our little dorm is coming back to life and I am ready for the year to get going. If the last two days are any indicator, I am going to be hella-busy this year. But I have been decidedly UN-busy for oh, the past two years, so I am more than ready for it.

I went back to my kettlebells class last night and the effects of my sedentary vacation were quite noticeable. Apparently the "ham slice to mouth" exercise does not keep ones fitness at an acceptable level. Towards the end of the class I was about to go into back spasms, so I dropped my head in shame and snuck out the back door.

OH and if you happen to get an email that says something like "Check out this nasty accident from the Olympic weight lifting competition" don't watch it. I repeat DO NOT WATCH IT. Unless you have guts of steel and are not grossed out by the sight of some dude's elbow hyper extending 90 degrees in the wrong direction. Blarg.

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