
Takin' what they're giving ...

... cause I'm workin' for a living.

As a freelancer/contract employee, I don't really technically get maternity leave. I'll get paid the same for the year no matter what. It's nice, but at the same time I don't want to completely leave my employers out to dry, especially at this uber-busy time of the year. So when boss man called me up 14 days post-partum and asked if I felt up to editing some stuff for the first football game, I said okay. In retrospect, I have a feeling I agreed more in an attempt to get some normalcy in my day. It was also a good justification for the purchasing of the MacDaddy computer last spring. This is why we got they computer - I can work at home. As my deadline was approaching and my baby cried all afternoon yesterday I was very much regretting my decision to take on anything other than my full dance card of diaper changing and boob-offering. But Hubs came in last night and took over baby girl and I got some work done. And it did exactly what I had hoped: I felt so normal. I enjoyed my work. I still had a bit to finish up this morning, and baby girl wanted to be held - like every parent in the history of the world has done, we figured it out.

We finished up, headed over to the stadium and did a little more work. In related news, I love our Baby Bjorn.

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