
New Hotness

I am thinking I may have used this blog title before, and for probably about the exact same topic. Behold, the new hotness ...

I was hoping to get out tonight once baby girl went to sleep. But I ended up watching Marley and Me for the first time, so I opted to spend my evening taking the dog for a long walk instead. He also got to eat a whole mess of leftover ravioli tonight too.

***This should have posted last Wednesday, but it didn't for some reason. Dog has been on lots of long walks, but no runs yet!



I feel as though I made that last post two years ago instead of two weeks ago. It's been a busy time here, and (thankfully) the baby is changing quite a bit. She's actually smiling now and being as social as 8 week old babies can be. Whatever it is that she's doing, it's working. I've stopped resenting (and sometimes worse emotions) her. Slowly I came to like her, and today, in my jubilation at the fact that she was napping in her crib FOR TWO WHOLE HOURS, I realized that I had just been staring at her sleeping for a good five minutes. Some mothers feel that bond the minute their new baby is placed on their chest. I am content and will sleep well tonight knowing that my daughter and I are getting there, slowly but surely.