
Runnin' review

I got in five miles today. And at a blistering 10:16 average pace! Seriously, that is the fastest I have run since October, and I am overjoyed about it. I even rocked out an obnoxious 9:30 for the last mile.

As previously mentioned, I saw Spirit of the Marathon the other night. It was definitely worth the ten bucks, but I didn't come away feeling so motivated that I wanted to run home from the theatre. It was enough to make me get up and run three the next morning though. I think that it suffered from the over-hype that several movies have suffered with me lately: The Simpsons and Superbad coming to mind first. I really enjoyed each flick, but they had been built up to something that they could never attain.

SLIGHT SPOILER WARNING (for anyone who would be upset at a spoiler for a documentary)

All of that being said, I will probably purchase Spirit and watch it a few more times. The old guy (Jerry) was my favorite. I was very much on the edge of my seat though for the finish of the women's race. I had no idea who was going to win, and I was pulling of course for Deena Kastor. Had they followed the training of that chick who finished second who had the seemingly wildly flailing arms, I would have been cheering for her. I have become a Paula Radcliffe fan (yes, I actually have a favorite marathoner now - I would put a sticker on my car for her to show my fandom if I could find one) and I liked seeing even the short interviews with her. The segment of the flick about Katherine Switzer and her running of Boston was edited pretty cleverly too.

1 comment:

My Life said...

Nice job on those 5 miles!

I am such a Paula fan too... did you read the article on her in this month's Runner's World? Wow.