

I saw Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. The throwback jokes and references to the old movies were great. The rest of the movie ... eh. It wasn't the best movie I have ever seen, but I don't feel like it was a complete waste of 3 hours.

Kettle Bells class on Wednesday night was awesome. I didn't get to do all of the exercises because there is apparently an actual technique to swinging a 25 pound weight around by its handle. We warmed up with some basics, then the instructor set up a circuit for the class and then took one of the other new students and myself to show us how to properly do all the "base" moves. We then rejoined the group and did some more circuits and exercises, including one where we laid on the ground with the weight held up in the air in one hand (I went with the 18 pound weight), and we had to go to a full standing position. Sounds not-so-hard, but turns out it is an amazing core exercise. We finished up with some crazy side-kick lunge things and some bear walk with 25 pounds in each hand.

I was sore yesterday, and today I think I feel as sore as than I did two days post-marathon. And the soreness is in exciting new muscles that have long lain (laid?) dormant.

I need to get in 3-4 today - it will be a painful run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info on Battlefield.

Will this be your first Bell Buckle run? I've done it twice and it's SO much fun, especially the festival after...