
Scavenger Hunt

Wicked good time at a minor league baseball game Friday night. It was a very cheap night until we got our beers.

Our humble dorm is empty. Graduation was Saturday, and the last of the boarders had their stuff packed up by 5:00 Friday afternoon. As with most moves, there was quite a bit of discarded stuff. The dorm had a grab table for people to put their I-do-not-wants. Like the (cheap) vulture I am, I kept and eagle(vulture) eye on the table. I got a new table for my porch. I got an unopened package of my favorite green tea.

I hit the jackpot though with laundry detergent. We are set for at least the next 8 or 9 months. At first I was a bit embarrassed by my own cheapness, but then I today at the grocery I perused the detergent section to see how much I had saved. Our biggest take was an almost completely unused container of Tide with Downy that has a sticker price of $17.94. I KNOW!

I wouldn't classify us as freegans by any stretch, but I would have hated for the girls to have just thrown away all that stuff. I am being environmentally conscious. See my responsibility! I can justify anything.

I didn't run again last week, although I meant to. I went to the track tonight to do the Yasso workout. It was great - 3.5 miles total, with 1.5 of that at an 8:45 pace. I also ran the bleachers six times. I hope to get in my long run tomorrow - 8 miles probably. Below is a screen cap from my Garmin software of my workout. The map portion of it made me giggle for some reason.

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