
I'm still going to extremes of very busy or very lazy, and I have to admit I am rather enjoying the cycle. I went to kettlebells last night and got my ass kicked. I somehow managed to run through the soreness today to log a whopping two miles. But I got some mileage in, so that is good enough for me for the moment.

On Monday I have a date with the not-as-snooty-as-he-used-to-be sales guy at the local running store. I have about 400 miles on my current pair and it is more that time to get a new pair. I am very excited about the purchase.

I know that I post often about how I am thinking of doing another marathon, half-marathon, wacky 10K race, etc. And I know that I most often do not post about it again, as the event drops off my radar completely and the fancy to commit to something passes. Well, I am thinking of doing the Country Music Half in April. I feel better about this one as 1)I have thought about it for five consecutive days, including today immediately post-run, and 2) I think I have found some suckers, er I mean friends to run it as well.

Football season kicks off here in 47 hours. Work is going to be pretty hectic between now and then, but I am excited about it. I am also very excited about sleeping in on Sunday after a hard day's night.


Melanie said...

I'll totally be running the CM 1/2! I did it last year (because I decided I'd never be running the CM full ever again) and loved it. Super fun 1/2 to do!

Sarah said...

Ooh I really want to try this kettleball thing - I've been hearing good stuff about it.