
My body is starting the revolution

When I used to browse the various message boards that are running-centric, I always felt quite smug when I saw posts titled "HELP!! - BLISTERS!!!", or "My feel are so gross!" See, I was able to make it the entire duration of my half-marathon training with only a few very teeny, easily popped/ignored blisters (I know I'm not supposed to pop them, but I do anyway). I even kept my feet pretty. No lost toenails or scale-y heels. I wore sandals all summer with pride. Well, not so fast my friend. I have my first real, painful blister as a result of running. And no amount of Mrs. Pedicure's Foot Scrub and Heel Cream seem to be working their usual magic on the other parts of my feet. My pretty feets used a source of pride for me, but those days may be fading.

And this next one isn't really gross, just kind of there. Or NOT there, as it were. And it's kind of terrifying the first time it happens. Running can do some interesting things to your cycle. Your ladies' days, or sudden LACK THEREOF. Really the most frustrating thing about that is dropping astronomical amounts of cash on pregnancy tests. Apparently I need to eat more to fix this. I have no problem with this solution. (I know that this can be a serious problem, so I'm not dismissing as quickly as the post might lead one to believe).

As far as actual period-preventin', blister-makin' runnin' this week, I got five miles on Tuesday, and three miles today. I will try cross-train tomorrow, and then another long run on Saturday (60 minutes).


Runner Leana said...

I had my toe nails all prettied up, and one day I went for a run and some of the polish rubbed off. I looked down and one of my inner toes was missing the polish, everything else fairly intact. Without glasses on it looked like the nail had fallen off. Thankfully not the case. I still have all 10 nails, but my feet were icky before I started running...!

My Life said...

Yes, blisters will get us all. Did you do something different?

I have some serious issues with wanting to become a hard-core runner and wanting to have soft, lovely, perfectly manicured feet....

Laurel said...

Welcome to the nappy feet club!

After my first half-marathon I had a blister that covered the entire bottom of my small toe. It was awful! Thank goodness that has been the worse one so far.