

So last Monday we took a little trip to Labor and Delivery, for what turned out to (thankfully) be nothing. For a while the possibilities of what ailed me went from appendicitis to kidney stone to "you are contracting every 3-5 minutes to "you are closed up tight as can be - it's just growing pains." The whole thing was never really scary or anything, but the after effect is that I have had to slow down considerably from what I was doing a mere two weeks ago. These "slow down" orders are more from the Hubs than from the doctor, but there might be something to it. I made a somewhat involved dinner last night that required quite a bit of time on my feet in the kitchen, and I was so knocked on my ass when I was done that I almost (only almost) opted out of eating my gourmet creation.

I mean, I am almost 33 weeks pregnant so this is not unexpected. I think the rapid deceleration of my activity level surprised me though. I am missing my workouts. Not so much that I actually miss the workout itself, but I am missing how I feel when I'm done and I think I have some more pronounced mood swings as a result. Le sigh. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow (my first since last week's hospital visit), so she might be able to give me some guidelines to follow. OR she will probably tell me that is just part of the whole show and I'll just have to deal.

Of course that would be the perfect excuse for me to spend lots of time lounging at the pool.

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